I recently hit a milestone birthday (30! eek!) and I decided I want my next 30 years to be spent doing a lot more of what I love and a lot less of what I don’t. That is easier said than done so for now I thought I would start with this blog since cooking is one of the things I want to do a lot more of.
I haven’t always liked cooking and for most of my life it wasn’t even on my radar as an enjoyable activity. It all started 5 years ago when I was unemployed, bored and happened to turn on the Food Network. Something really inspired me – I think it was watching chefs turn a few basic ingredients into beautiful, delicious meals. I have come a long way in the kitchen since but I still have a lot to learn and I hope you enjoy watching Simply Yum take shape! The idea of Simply Yum has been on my mind for a couple of years now and I’m so happy to finally be sharing it with you.
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Great job Christina!! Love the sense of humor and helpful cooking tips